World Vision passes out Patriots Gear

Perhaps you already knew that the loser gear from the Superbowl gets shipped around the country. I did too, but I had never found the details, until now.

These kids in Nicaragua are proud owners of 19-0 Patriots "Superbowl Champions" gear. Click here for more pictures. (I would personally avoid picture #2, as there is a very scary looking clown. I'm not sure what clowns have to do with the Patriots, or why someone felt a clown was necessary when handing out clothing to kids. Are there really any kids that like clowns? Or are they just crazy adults that enjoy dressing up as a clown? Is your curiosity getting the best of you? Go ahead, click on picture #2, but remember that you've been warned.)

The craziest aspect of this story, however, is not the clown. World Vision, a Christian relief organization, partners with the NFL to deliver these items. They have also done the same with Major League Baseball and all of the 'loser' items from last year's playoffs.

I am amazed that there is such a partnership between these two gigantic secular organizations and a Christian ministry. At the end of the NFL article, World Vision asks us to pray for the kids and the continued ability to distribute clothing where it is needed.

Does the NFL realize this? It is quite a strange marriage indeed. The vibe you normally get from all things professional football is this: Keep Christianity out. (Which is precisely why Jon Kitna caused such a stir this past NFL season). Here's a quote from World Vision's website: "By our demonstration of God’s love through our work, we hope that people will experience life in all its fullness."

And the NFL is helping them do this? Is anyone else completely amazed?

I'm not against this agreement at all. In fact, I think it is absolutely awesome. It just strikes me as odd that the NFL didn't use the Red Cross, United Way, or some other similar but secular humanitarian organization.

So the next time someone is complaining how un-Godly the National Football League has become, just point them to the fact that every time a team loses the Superbowl they help spread Christian love around the world.

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